Thursday, May 16, 2013

Funny News
Hello everyone who is reading this i will began telling you who i am. My name Christopher Morris and te reasn why i doing this blog is because my teacher is making me go along with this. What this blog will be about is funny news like almost around the whole country. This will include me taking news and making a joke about to make people laugh and enjoy there time watching this. The reason why im doing this is to bring joy and peace over thing thats not that series. Also i like seeing people laugh and i like laughing at thing that are funny. But at the same time i dont want to hurt anybody feelings or step over anybody toes not to direspect anybody. Im just doing it out of couritousty.So please dont take me series at themost feel free to comment or to say what you want. If i have took it to far just email me and your post will be deleated. Other than that enjoy your time reading my post and just laugh yourass of. Besides it good for you. At least thats whats they tell me.