Friday, May 24, 2013

                                                 This viedo is a viedo that I just started watching and listeng to because this song motivates me to just want to sing and dance and make me go wild. Its a good song. I don't think that anybody in the world could listen to this song without dancing or bobing there head or just ever taping there feet. The reason why i say this is because this song makes you feel a certin way and make you just want to go wild and have a wonderful time singing. So please if you havernt click on it yet do it rite now.This song is out to help you. If you are going through something with your girl and you are down just turn this song on on youtube by {j cole power trip} And what he is saying is true in many different ways. This song is not like lil wayne its a song that in is calm and and sooths your soul. Its has singing and lil bit of raping. But its all positive stuff. Comeon trust me would think I would listen to something that has a lot bad words in it no so just listen to is comment on this post and tell me what you think.

If they could make my life a into a famous person I choose to be WILL SMITH. The reason why I choose to be him is because he made a alot of great movies and he is a good actor. He can put himself in any position and do A good job at what he do. It seems to me he has an enjoying life and that he have fun in what he do. I also would like to be a actor because I would like to be in movies and act with alot of great actors and have alot of fun. I also wonderd if they make alot of money in acting. I really dont know what I would want to  do with my life. But by me watching him in many different movies make me feel that I can do it and will enjoy doing it myself. One of the things that I would like to do is to be in and action and adventure movie. Or I can deal with being in a crime movie and solving muders cases. So thats one of the reasons why I choose to be will smith because he do a lil bit of everything.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

One thing that I would like to change is in my past was picking up my slack and making the a Honor Roll and always acting up and getting in trouble. Also I would like to change in the beginning in the lab I wish i would have liked to payed attention in  my lab so that I would have understood it first quarter so that now this year I could have had a summer job doing what i enjoy doing now. Also picking the people that I hang around with now so that I could have been a better person now at Diomond Oaks. And then on top of that the relationship that i have with my teachers and not putting on a good impression so that now my 4 quarter i could just chill and not have to worry about nothing. Also I wished I that I would have payed attention in my science class so that I would have to worry about working my but of this summer. So yes thats something I wish i would have payed attention to when I came here to the oaks.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What I think about the lottery winnings is something that I think is hard to play. If I was to ever win the lottery I think that I would not know what to do. But i can tell you one thing though i would not do stupid stuff and i will continue to work my daily job. I wouldn't show boat i wouldn't flash all my cash i would not change my ways at all. i think that i would stay the same Christopher Morris for the rest of my life. I couldn't understand why people get of them selves when they have a boat load of money. It's just money. All you can do is buy things with that. Besides the taxes is going to go up and if you just keep spending money every hour your going to be in trouble 10 years from now. Sodont let money control your life.

Friday, May 17, 2013

        Ok the reason why I chose to be on this tv show is because i watch this show at home and it is on for an hour. Also I can tell you exactly when it come on (3:00) mon-fri and they are always making good deals. the reason why I would wont to be on this show is because it is somewhat easy to me and the things they do is like playing games. And the games that they play is like very fun. I think that everyone would like this show if they had an opertunity to be on the show they would completey enjoy their self. The thing that they give away is cars, trips,and lots of money. Remember thetickets are free.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Funny News
Hello everyone who is reading this i will began telling you who i am. My name Christopher Morris and te reasn why i doing this blog is because my teacher is making me go along with this. What this blog will be about is funny news like almost around the whole country. This will include me taking news and making a joke about to make people laugh and enjoy there time watching this. The reason why im doing this is to bring joy and peace over thing thats not that series. Also i like seeing people laugh and i like laughing at thing that are funny. But at the same time i dont want to hurt anybody feelings or step over anybody toes not to direspect anybody. Im just doing it out of couritousty.So please dont take me series at themost feel free to comment or to say what you want. If i have took it to far just email me and your post will be deleated. Other than that enjoy your time reading my post and just laugh yourass of. Besides it good for you. At least thats whats they tell me.